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Starting out from scratch

Before saying anything, go easy on me. This is my first blog post. So with that said, this just came up to my mind today while having breakfast. Why not tell you guys what it is? So it’s about how my passion and obsession towards music in general and guitar in particular all started. Relax, it’s not your typical "how i fell in love with someone" kinda talk. I was put to the best school we could find in our city and I have got to agree, the campus was on point, the teachers were great and by great I mean not the boring and clinging hard on to their idiosyncratic self-kind. The "You've not performed well this time, try putting in more focus and start loving what you do before you do it and I'm sure you'll do well in the coming tests" kinda teachers. So coming back to what I was telling, there were many extracurricular activities that included a lot of outdoor and indoor sports, dance, art and the last one which is the topic of conversation; music. Our school management shortlisted a few teachers for music and finally a week later our extracurricular started. Now there are some moments in life when you just know what’s about to happen when thinking of taking up something. One of those moments came about when I saw this man with an oddly grown French beard and wearing one hell of a denim sitting in one of the classrooms actually classroom "7C" 7 being the grade which we were studying in. But anyways, I still so clearly remember seeing him jam on his guitar to some really cool "balled rock" backing tracks. I mean, that was it for me. I knew it right there this was my extracurricular. I went back home obviously and the first thing I asked my parents was to get me into it. So they did !!. As simple as it sounds. And frankly to say I was the most enthusiastic kid around on the first day. Remember I mentioned me speaking about "life in general" up at the blog description. I'll gradually come into it when the flow of thoughts in my head come to a hierarchy. Now, I was telling you how enthusiastic I was. It all was so damn perfect. There were about twenty-five people in the classroom who had opted for it. My first class, all I did was sit and listen to him play his guitar and give us some lessons about theory as in "music theory". At that very moment I felt a sense of belonging to what I was learning. It was so phenomenal, the relationship between the sweet sounding guitar and me. The sessions were of 2 hours and I really felt like time was just flowing.

With all this said, you might be wondering why I didn’t mention about me actually having a guitar of my own and playing all the lessons taught in class. Not to brag but every student except me in my class had a guitar. For someone who works 8 hours a day and 6 days a week will be habituated to some constrained thoughts or some misconceptions about certain ideas. Now that right there was my father. Remember I told you guys the first thing I did when I went home on the commencement day of extracurricular. The second thing I did was to ask them to buy me a guitar and this was after the first day of my class seeing all the others having one in their hand. Well do you want to know the answer to that question? I’m telling you right now you’ll probably feel let down and wish you had never read this blog or in my case never asked that one question to my parents if I knew the answer to it. It was a “no” and further added that they weren’t sure if I was really serious about taking it up and even the whole “extracurricular” thing was such a strong promoter to make them feel like what the school was doing wasn’t that serious. I mean, yeah I guess I could agree with that too. What they were doing wasn’t all that serious. It was just an extra one hour at the end of every alternative day of school. But in my “scale of measurement” it was more about the importance and interest towards that class rather than considering it being a serious one like the rest of the main subjects I was studying. So anyways, bottom line, I was really let down and I really couldn’t do anything about it. But the one thing I could do was not to stop attending those classes because that was something that I was granted with, and couldn’t be taken away by anything or anyone. Few days later, out of sheer surprise I got a strong “yes” from my parents. You all know what the “yes” was for. And if I think of it now as I’m writing this blog, I really don’t feel like the “no” was such a big deal to have gone through. Sometimes people have to be so repulsive and negative about something before they agree to that something by seeing the real potential in you. Thinking of what I just said from another angle, I personally feel a certain way about all this. It’s that we come to know and give out our true potential when somebody pushes you so. In a way it complements your success. So with that being said, I stepped into a guitar store for the first time and guys, it was just the best feeling ever. Butterflies in my belly I swear. I still remember seeing a bunch of guitars hung on the wooden walls all shiny and glorious. I just wanted to grab all of them one by one and feel it sit on my lap. Although I didn’t for obvious reasons. I didn’t want to be that geeky guy who just can’t blend in with the vibe going on around. But seriously, I wanted to try them all. I mean c’mon you get it right? Anyways, I bought a “gb@a SAG-100CN” series handcrafted. A basic 6 string acoustic with no tone switches or lead channels or amp mods of any sort. Just a simple acoustic one. Pardon me for going a little technical. Back to my bragging, I came back home and you won’t believe what I’m about to tell you. I literally sat the whole day picking that lower E for like a solid two hours. Seriously, there was a point when I started drooling over myself with too much for my ear to take in.

Ever since then playing guitar has been my ultimate hobby, a feeling so near to passion and above everything else, that’s the one thing that makes me go lucid even to this very day. I have taken a nine-year long journey from when I just started at 14 till date and further days to come. If there’s one thing that I’ve learnt over the past few years playing guitar is that, empathy is key for understanding someone’s intentions, never rush into situations, trust your gut feeling over something, if you love doing something never hold yourself back from doing it, keep trust in people who are your providers, because their intentions are always genuine. Try building and connecting a tunnel between your everyday feelings and what you love doing. Trust me, it's healthier that way and on the plus side you would have learnt something new without you even acknowledging it because it would have taken birth out of your feeling. Damn, I just mentioned before I’d tell you the “one thing” that I’ve learnt but I ended up taking an entire class on philosophy. Now do you see? I can’t stop myself from telling you guys all those boring things and that’s why I mentioned before-hand about “life in general” in my blog description.

I hope you all had something to pick up from this and push through life. And also, I hope to share a lot more, which means I’ll not only be writing stuff but also posting a lot of cool videos of mine and hand-written guitar tabs of some really selective music genre synonymous to guitar and some amazing cream lyrics from all the great artists and a lot more. So with that being said, stick around and see you on the next blog.

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